

Facing Fear And Anxiety: Jessica Cruz And Her Identity As A Mental Health Role Model

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting people all over the world. Whether in social situations or not, it can leave a person feeling worthless and paralysed.

A superhero that’s needed to fight anxiety every day is Jessica Cruz. As Earth’s first female Green Lantern, Cruz has a big role to fill, but her anxiety has made it difficult to fight crime.

Her mental health struggles have been presented in an authentic way and I believe Cruz is a role model for people who suffer from anxiety.

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The Road To Mental Health Recovery: How Scarlet Witch Copes With Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses that people grapple with. It can strike at any time and makes no distinction between young or old.

Learning to deal with thoughts of self-doubt can be difficult, which is why comics are a great source of inspiration for mental health representation.

The Scarlet Witch is a superhero that’s struggled with depression in a realistic way. Rather than let it consume her, she’s adopted coping strategies that have helped to change her life. 

This makes the Scarlet Witch a brilliant role model for anyone who suffers from depression and here are some of the reasons why.

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Exploring Philosophy As A Way Of Life With Brandon Tumblin

In my mission to make philosophy sexy and down to earth, I’m on a never-ending journey to interview interesting people, philosophers and those who have been impacted by Stoicism.

A conversation I enjoyed recently was with the host of the Strong Stoic podcast Brandon Tumblin. Brandon brings an awesome perspective to the world of philosophy with his blend of storytelling, penchant for challenging ideas and psychology-based thoughts.

In this interview we discuss philosophy as a way of life, pushing beyond the surface level of Stoicism, making ancient ideas accessible and a hell of a lot more. 

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Addressing Self-Care, Mental Health Conditions And Philosophy With Stoicare’s Paul Wilson

Caregiving is a full-time job. One that impacts the mental health of the care provider as much as the person who is being cared for. Finding ways to develop a self-care practice for yourself is essential, especially in the mental health field as Paul Wilson will tell you.

A mental health practitioner and volunteer at Stoicare, Wilson shares great insight into the state of the mental health system in the UK and how Stoicism can be applied for caregivers. 

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