Using Stoicism As A Blueprint For Better Leadership With Michael McGill

Philosophy is a universal concept that reaches across multiple sectors, with people finding their own unique way of putting it into practice. For Michael McGill, Stoicism has made him a more effective leader and IT professional.

It was great to chat with Michael about his Stoic experiences and the role that philosophy plays in leadership.

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Letters From A Stoic Review: Inside The Mind Of Seneca And Learning Stoic Wisdom

For people with an interest in Stoicism and philosophy, the Roman power broker and politician Seneca looms large. His writing offers great insight into the mind of someone who was attempting to put the philosophy into practice, while also serving as a will and testament of a man who was guilty of falling short of what he preached at times.  

Letters From A Stoic contains all 124 of the letters Seneca wrote to his friend Lucilius. The book would benefit anyone who wants to pick up a bit of wisdom or change their perception of the world.

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Embracing The Craft Of Writing Across Multiple Disciplines With Jules Horne

Stoic Athenaeum is a philosophy-led content marketing journal that helps people, brands and freelance writers find their own philosophy of life. So, hearing from other writers about their experiences in copywriting, publishing and other arenas is of great value.

It was wonderful to chat to Jules Horne, an author based in Scotland who has worked across multiple writing formats. From spending time as a BBC journalist to writing books on how to set up a freelance copywriting business, Jules has a lot of knowledge to share.

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Stoic Entry 13

Well done for making the decision
Now embrace every moment of it
All that is bad and good
Is what you perceive it to be

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