Donald Robertson’s Verissimus Is An Ideal Story For Making Stoicism Fun For A New Generation

Stoicism is sexy. All you need to do is look at the huge rise in Stoic content that people are consuming and that’s been popularised by the likes of Ryan Holiday and other authors who’re bringing the philosophy down to earth.

It’s little wonder a philosophy that has been described as austere and confused with being emotionless has found its sex appeal. I’m all for keeping this momentum going and making Stoicism more accessible to younger generations. 

Donald Robertson’s Verissimus graphic novel could be a perfect Stoic entry point for Gen Z readers and younger. Focusing on the life of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Verissimus is a sweeping epic of man putting his philosophy into action and has great relevance today.

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Stoicism, Comics And Horror: Donald Robertson On Writing The Life Of Marcus Aurelius

The philosophy of Stoicism has inspired the works of countless people and continues to be a driving force for many business leaders and authors today. The same can be said for psychotherapist Donald Robertson, who’s made a career out of applying the principles of Stoicism to everyday life through publications such as How To Think Like A Roman Emperor. 

Robertson’s latest project is a graphic novel focused on the life of Marcus Aurelius and Stoic Athenaeum caught up with him on the process behind writing the comic. In this interview, we explore the challenges of writing a graphic novel steeped in ancient history, capturing the voice of Marcus Aurelius and how Stoicism can be interpreted through the lens of comics. 

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How To Think Like A Roman Emperor Review: Showcasing The Power Of Stoicism In A Modern Context

The philosophy of Stoicism has changed the lives of many people, from ancient practitioners like Epictetus, to modern day Stoics like Ryan Holiday, who have shared it with new generations. 

Another modern Stoic who’s made a name for himself is psychotherapist Donald Robertson and one of his most well-known books is How To Think Like A Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy Of Marcus Aurelius.  

In the book, Robertson dives deep into the practices that Marcus Aurelius embodied in his everyday life and brings it into a modern context. The end result is a book that will surely continue to inspire readers for decades to come.

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