The Power Of Digital Community And Ethics-Driven Desire With Daniel De La Cruz

The digital marketing world is always changing. New digital agencies pop up and shut down just as quickly and it may be tempting to think that you can ride out uncertainty alone as an agency founder. 

Having a support system, a set of values or philosophy that inspires you to be part of a wider community is the way forward. Building a digital agency community is one of Daniel De La Cruz’ favourite things to do and his personal philosophy is something I can get on board with.

It was a pleasure to chat to Dan about his digital agency experience, the joys of falling into a philosophical rabbit hole, the discipline of boxing and more. 

Continue reading “The Power Of Digital Community And Ethics-Driven Desire With Daniel De La Cruz”

Building Better Time Habits And Boundary Forging With Steve Watson

Time is the most valuable currency we have. It’s also the one we trade away the most and spend on things that can turn out to be the opposite of what we wanted. 

Time management is a universal concept and in this interview I’m joined by Steve Watson, a UK-based time management coach and the founder of 27andahalf. 

An author and creator of the Time Mastery Pyramid, Steve has plenty of insight into how to spend time wisely and it was great to discuss themes of ambition, boundaries, productivity and more.

Continue reading “Building Better Time Habits And Boundary Forging With Steve Watson”

Stoic Entry 2

Straight, not straightened

Remember that throughout the week

Remember there will be people who you don’t agree with

Remember there will be people who don’t agree with you

Stand firm when needed

Help when necessary

You are a work in progress

Make small steps day by day

Reflect and reflect

Straight, not straightened

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