Speaking From The Heart About Male Mental Health And Philosophy With Andy Hall

Mental health is an important topic for me, especially male mental health. Breaking down the stigma of men having to grit their teeth and not show emotion is a cause shared by many and Andy Hall is doing his part through public speaking, mentoring and more.

I met Andy at a public speaking workshop and he inspired me to get up and speak about my mental health experiences and why philosophy has been a priceless discovery.

From there, I wanted to hear more about his story and in this interview we discuss being open about mental health, the transformative effects of Stoicism and how to grow old disgracefully.

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Embracing The Philosophy Of Photography With Jason Lock

Being a freelance creative has a lot in common with philosophy. Both straddle the line between the tangible and the intangible, both have varying degrees of value based on the perception of different people and both invite a lot of questions.

‘Why am I doing this? Do you think this could work? How are you going to make money?’ These are all common questions freelance creatives have been and will be asked until the end of time and celebrating the journeys of freelancers is a big part of Stoic Athenaeum.

Manchester based freelance photographer Jason Lock has spent plenty of time honing his craft in the freelancing wilderness and I recently spoke to him about his experiences.

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Helen Jeys On Aristotle, Paths To Flourishing For Students And Educational Excellence

Philosophy has no boundaries or borders. It influences people from all walks of life and one of the main reasons for creating the Stoic Athenaeum was to talk to people from different backgrounds and see what life lessons could be unearthed.

An aspect of philosophy that interests me is how it intersects with education. This fascination is also shared by the Head Mistress of Manchester High School For Girls, Helen Jeys.

I’m pleased to present a conversation with Helen that dives into her interest in Aristotle, how she applies the concept of eudaimonia to education and why introducing philosophy to younger generations is more important than ever before.

Continue reading “Helen Jeys On Aristotle, Paths To Flourishing For Students And Educational Excellence”

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