Deepening My Appreciation Of Stoicism With The Stoa App

Falling down the rabbit hole of Stoicism has been an intriguing journey into a philosophical practice that’s contributing towards the development of a positive mental health routine for myself.

In my hunt to discover new resources about Stoicism I came across the Stoa app, which has plenty of insightful content for people who’re new to the philosophy and for those who’ve been practicing it for years.

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5 Lessons From Epicurus Digital Marketers Should Embrace

In the digital marketing world, people are constantly looking for fresh ways to connect with their audience and get ahead of the competition. Whether it’s designing new technology or developing the latest algorithm, marketers are eager to embrace the future. Yet taking inspiration from the past is important too.

A great example of learning from the past is embracing Epicureanism, the philosophy of Epicurus. For him, the purpose of philosophy was to acquire a happy, peaceful life through ataraxia, the freedom from fear and aponia, the absence of pain. Basically, he preached YOLO before YOLO was a thing.

Epicurus’ views are relevant in the modern age and here are five of his teachings that can be applied to digital marketing. 

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Exploring The Philosophy Of Anger Management Through Rankorr

Anger is a widely discussed emotion in the realm of philosophy and from Buddhism to Stoicism, it is more often than not thought of as a destructive, negative emotion. While expressing rage in the moment might feel good, we don’t usually like being mad at people and in the long run it causes more harm than good.

Anger management is often at the centre of many philosophical practices and a medium that shines an interesting light on anger management is comics. Specifically with the superhero Rankorr from DC Comics and his identity as a Red Lantern. 

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How To Thrive In The World Of B2B Copywriting With Michael Metcalf

Copywriting is the endurance sport of the marketing world. It requires discipline, a thick skin, occasional bouts of creativity and an open mind. And when you’re in it as a freelance copywriter endurance becomes even more important.

Fortunately, copywriters are a friendly bunch and are happy to share the tricks of the trade. Michael Metcalf is a UK-based freelance writer who made his bones in the B2B technology and eCommerce spaces across his brand Chroma Copy and content agency Expert Machine.

Michael was kind enough to share his copywriting experiences on Stoic Athenaeum. We chat binning off difficult clients, how to know your worth as a copywriter and using philosophy to become a better writer.

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