Trading The Hedonic Treadmill For The Eudaimonic Treadmill

I was in my last year of university when The Wolf Of Wall Street came out and I saw Leonardo DiCaprio scream to his sales teams “there is no nobility in poverty. I have been a rich man and I have been poor man and I choose rich every fucking time!”

DiCaprio is my favourite actor and sometimes I forgot I wasn’t watching him. I was watching a character who lied, cheated and stole his way to ill-gotten money and justified his actions however he could.

I knew the Jordan Belfort of the film was an unsavoury asshole. But a part of me was still captivated by what he was saying and what he was selling. The idea that things make us happy: money, wealth, big houses, fast cars.

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8 Timeless Life Lessons From Musonius Rufus

There is profound wisdom to be found in philosophy. Little tricks and tips for adjusting to uncertainty and adapting to the highs and lows of life. The ancient Stoics were centuries ahead of their time in shining a light on the human condition and Musonius Rufus is a great example.

While not as well known as his student Epictetus or his contemporary Seneca, Musonius has plenty of wisdom to share across the centuries. There are several timeless lessons from him you can put into practice in your own life. 

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Speaking From The Heart About Male Mental Health And Philosophy With Andy Hall

Mental health is an important topic for me, especially male mental health. Breaking down the stigma of men having to grit their teeth and not show emotion is a cause shared by many and Andy Hall is doing his part through public speaking, mentoring and more.

I met Andy at a public speaking workshop and he inspired me to get up and speak about my mental health experiences and why philosophy has been a priceless discovery.

From there, I wanted to hear more about his story and in this interview we discuss being open about mental health, the transformative effects of Stoicism and how to grow old disgracefully.

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On The Hunt For Wisdom With J.W Bertolotti

Philosophy and wisdom go hand in hand. It’s a pursuit of wanting to learn how to live appropriately and using techniques that are practical in daily life. J.W Bertolotti has dedicated himself to this path through the Perennial Leader Project and his podcast In Search Of Wisdom.

It was a pleasure to interview Bertolotti about his experiences with philosophy and as a former air force veteran he’s got plenty of stories to tell. In this interview, he shares his thoughts on Stoicism, love, suffering and what it means to turn knowledge into wisdom. 

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