Colin Smith On The Philosophy Of Listening And Forging Stronger Human Connections

Listening is arguably the most important life skill we can have. It’s how we show we’re connected to each other, how we process information and turn knowledge into wisdom.

It’s also about more than just hearing someone and Colin Smith has dedicated his life to helping people become better listeners and developing their own philosophy of being connected to someone else.

In this interview, we delve into listening techniques, the musicality of listening and how leaders can get better at paying attention.

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Facing Fear And Anxiety: Jessica Cruz And Her Identity As A Mental Health Role Model

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting people all over the world. Whether in social situations or not, it can leave a person feeling worthless and paralysed.

A superhero that’s needed to fight anxiety every day is Jessica Cruz. As Earth’s first female Green Lantern, Cruz has a big role to fill, but her anxiety has made it difficult to fight crime.

Her mental health struggles have been presented in an authentic way and I believe Cruz is a role model for people who suffer from anxiety.

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The Road To Mental Health Recovery: How Scarlet Witch Copes With Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses that people grapple with. It can strike at any time and makes no distinction between young or old.

Learning to deal with thoughts of self-doubt can be difficult, which is why comics are a great source of inspiration for mental health representation.

The Scarlet Witch is a superhero that’s struggled with depression in a realistic way. Rather than let it consume her, she’s adopted coping strategies that have helped to change her life. 

This makes the Scarlet Witch a brilliant role model for anyone who suffers from depression and here are some of the reasons why.

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Unearthing The Tone Of Voice And Philosophy Of Epictetus

Tone of voice is a powerful writing tool. It’s the building blocks of how ideas are shared, how information is digested. Ancient philosophers had their own unique tone of voice for connecting with their students and Epictetus stands out.

Stoic philosopher, teacher and slave, Epictetus’ work has influenced countless generations and his tone of voice comes to life in the pages of The Discourses and Enchiridion.

It’s worth noting Epictetus didn’t write down his teachings. Instead, they were recorded by his student Arrian. I’ve set out to deconstruct Epictetus’ voice across language, cadence and tone and unearth his philosophical style.

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