The Eternal Optimist: Nightwing And The Philosophy Of Positivity

The life of a superhero is often dangerous and stressful. In addition to protecting innocents, superheroes have to balance a secret identity with their personal life, so it’s little wonder that the pressure can take a toll on mental health. But some comic characters are able to remain optimistic no matter how bad their circumstances become. Nightwing is a perfect example.

You’d think that partnering with Batman for so many years would have left a dark mark. But Richard Grayson has been able to take everything in his stride. From his earliest years, the original Robin has maintained a positive philosophy that’s stayed with him throughout his life.

From a mental health perspective, that’s powerful. So, let’s take a closer look at the life of the original Boy Wonder and see what makes him such a great role model for positive mental health.

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Exploring The Philosophy Of Anger Management Through Rankorr

Anger is a widely discussed emotion in the realm of philosophy and from Buddhism to Stoicism, it is more often than not thought of as a destructive, negative emotion. While expressing rage in the moment might feel good, we don’t usually like being mad at people and in the long run it causes more harm than good.

Anger management is often at the centre of many philosophical practices and a medium that shines an interesting light on anger management is comics. Specifically with the superhero Rankorr from DC Comics and his identity as a Red Lantern. 

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A Stoic’s Guide To A Philosophical Playlist

When viewed through the lens of philosophy, music has a lot to say. Whether it’s rock, hip hop or country, the listener takes their own meaning from the song, rhythm and beat. For me, there are songs that resonate with Stoicism and help to put me in the Stoic mindset.

Here’s a list of tracks that can help you to Stoic it up and bear in mind that this list is entirely subjective. Each of the songs has a personal connection to me and you may find there are other tunes that best describe your own philosophy.

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Stoic Athenaeum Offers Philosophy-Backed Content Marketing

Copywriting is an industry that has many angles and viewpoints. It’s an industry I’ve been a part of for years and it’s rewarding, emotional, satisfying, stressful, crazy and thrilling all at once. The craziness gets dialled up even more when you’re a freelance copywriter and so it’s helpful to have a system in place that helps calm the mind, pushes me out of my comfort zone and keeps me going forward.

That’s where Stoicism comes in. Putting the philosophy into practice has provided a foundation for approaching content marketing with fresh eyes and that inspired the creation of Stoic Athenaeum.

A journal that combines content marketing, philosophy and popular culture together, I provide a range of copywriting services through the publication. Read on to discover what they are.

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