Memento Mori: What The Romans Can Tell Us About Old Age & Death Is As Entertaining As It Is Educational

As the old saying goes, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. The latter is something we have a choice of whether to pay or not and face the consequences. The former is inevitable, so we might as well do the best we can while we’re alive and look back on a life well lived. 

All of this ties into the idea of memento mori, a concept the Romans took to heart and it’s the focus of Memento Mori: What The Romans Can Tell Us About Old Age & Death by Peter Jones. 

An informative book filled with quirky and resonant themes about how to accept death with grace, Memento Mori may help change your perspective on life beyond the veil.

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Memento Mori

Much of life is uncertain. One could argue that the only sure thing in life is death and that nothing else matters beyond our actions. Photography is a powerful medium for showcasing abstract ideas like death and exploring other philosophical concepts.

For the Stoics, the idea of death was best expressed through the concept of memento mori, which acts a reminder that life is meant to be lived while it can be. Read on to discover a photography collection inspired by memento mori.

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