Making Philosophy Great Again With Anya Leonard

Philosophy is sexy. At least in my opinion. Ancient philosophers were the rockstars of their time and wisdom was being dropped with the passion of rappers like Eminem and Jay Z.

Today, the topic can be associated with academia but that doesn’t have to be the case. There are others on a mission to make philosophy sexy and Anya Leonard is a fellow traveller.

The founder of Classical Wisdom and an author, Anya runs regular events that make philosophy accessible, fun and down to earth. In this interview we get into the ideal philosophers to invite to a dinner party, good mental health practices and so much more!

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Building Better Time Habits And Boundary Forging With Steve Watson

Time is the most valuable currency we have. It’s also the one we trade away the most and spend on things that can turn out to be the opposite of what we wanted. 

Time management is a universal concept and in this interview I’m joined by Steve Watson, a UK-based time management coach and the founder of 27andahalf. 

An author and creator of the Time Mastery Pyramid, Steve has plenty of insight into how to spend time wisely and it was great to discuss themes of ambition, boundaries, productivity and more.

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Stoic Entry 5

So you’ve found yourself back to square one
That’s okay
You’ve been here before
That’s okay
What was given has now been returned
Use the opportunity to grow
To rise to the next level
To forge your character in the fires of adversity
And come back stronger

Memento Mori

Much of life is uncertain. One could argue that the only sure thing in life is death and that nothing else matters beyond our actions. Photography is a powerful medium for showcasing abstract ideas like death and exploring other philosophical concepts.

For the Stoics, the idea of death was best expressed through the concept of memento mori, which acts a reminder that life is meant to be lived while it can be. Read on to discover a photography collection inspired by memento mori.

Continue reading “Memento Mori”

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