How To Thrive In The World Of B2B Copywriting With Michael Metcalf

Copywriting is the endurance sport of the marketing world. It requires discipline, a thick skin, occasional bouts of creativity and an open mind. And when you’re in it as a freelance copywriter endurance becomes even more important.

Fortunately, copywriters are a friendly bunch and are happy to share the tricks of the trade. Michael Metcalf is a UK-based freelance writer who made his bones in the B2B technology and eCommerce spaces across his brand Chroma Copy and content agency Expert Machine.

Michael was kind enough to share his copywriting experiences on Stoic Athenaeum. We chat binning off difficult clients, how to know your worth as a copywriter and using philosophy to become a better writer.

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Embracing The Craft Of Writing Across Multiple Disciplines With Jules Horne

Stoic Athenaeum is a philosophy-led content marketing journal that helps people, brands and freelance writers find their own philosophy of life. So, hearing from other writers about their experiences in copywriting, publishing and other arenas is of great value.

It was wonderful to chat to Jules Horne, an author based in Scotland who has worked across multiple writing formats. From spending time as a BBC journalist to writing books on how to set up a freelance copywriting business, Jules has a lot of knowledge to share.

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Stoic Entry 8

When your body calls for rest
Listen to it
When the mind calls for action
Listen to it
When the spirit calls for bravery
Listen to it

How To Live: A Life Of Montaigne Review: Modern Day Essays, Timeless Wisdom

Philosophers come in all shapes and sizes. Some prefer to ask questions, others prefer to dive into metaphysics and explore the origins of the universe. Michel de Montaigne was a patchwork quilt of worldviews, weaving together his own unique perspective that turned him into one of the most celebrated thinkers in history.

Sarah Bakewell’s How To Live: A Life of Montaigne in one question and twenty attempts at an answer is a remarkable book recounting Montaigne’s philosophy, his life and how it can be applied to the modern day.

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