Michael Tremblay On Epictetus And The Stoic Joy Of Exercise

In the school of Stoicism, the three most famous figures are usually cited as the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus. While Marcus and Seneca climbed to the summit of Roman society, Epictetus came from a world of slaves and unknowns and turned Stoicism into a way of life for himself and his students.

There’s a lot of great information out there on Epictetus and Michael Tremblay is keen to add to the conversation. In this interview, Michael dives into looking at Epictetus through a new lens, the joys of Stoic exercise and tackling how to be a philosophical consultant.

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How To Network Like Panaetius

Networking is an inevitable part of life. Sooner or later you will be called to network to build your business, connect with others to share your ideas, speak to friends and form communities that reflect your values.

In the context of business networking, there’s the myth of the self-made person who confidently strolls into an event and gains leads effortlessly. That all successes are down to an individual’s actions, amazing talent, intelligence and relentless drive.

I don’t believe anyone is self-made and neither did Panaetius of Rhodes. Stoic philosopher, master connector and politician, Panaetius was one of the greatest networkers of his day and there’s a lot of insight to be gained in how to connect with people across all mediums.

So, let’s find out what the seventh leader of the Stoic school has to teach us about networking.

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A Stoic’s Guide To Content Marketing Reveals How To Use Stoicism To Become A Better Content Writer

Philosophy is timeless. What began in the marketplaces, streets forums and public offices of the ancient world has branched out into multiple mediums. Our search for meaning has taken us into the digital arena, eager to share our personal philosophies with new audiences, followers and customers.

Like the crowds who attended the Coliseum in the days of ancient Rome, these audiences are hungry for excitement, education and entertainment. They want to know what brands stand for, how their problems can be solved, how they can live a better life and content marketing has become a new type of philosophy for the modern era.

As a content marketer, I love using philosophy to help me better understand myself and my work. Stoicism has been integral to that understanding and a Stoic’s Guide to Content Marketing puts philosophy-led content writing into practice.

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The Inner Citadel

An endless pursuit

Dogged by uncertainties

The everyday

Hopes and dreams we grasp for

Out of reach, fingertips away

Empty glories built on sand

A vast kingdom to have no kingdom

A kingdom of the soul

A citadel

Glittering with good character

To reflect on the riches you give others

Not a throne of retreat

A waystation to action

Transmuting words into works

Forging a road to the good life

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