5 Lessons From Epicurus Digital Marketers Should Embrace

In the digital marketing world, people are constantly looking for fresh ways to connect with their audience and get ahead of the competition. Whether it’s designing new technology or developing the latest algorithm, marketers are eager to embrace the future. Yet taking inspiration from the past is important too.

A great example of learning from the past is embracing Epicureanism, the philosophy of Epicurus. For him, the purpose of philosophy was to acquire a happy, peaceful life through ataraxia, the freedom from fear and aponia, the absence of pain. Basically, he preached YOLO before YOLO was a thing.

Epicurus’ views are relevant in the modern age and here are five of his teachings that can be applied to digital marketing. 

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Embracing The Craft Of Writing Across Multiple Disciplines With Jules Horne

Stoic Athenaeum is a philosophy-led content marketing journal that helps people, brands and freelance writers find their own philosophy of life. So, hearing from other writers about their experiences in copywriting, publishing and other arenas is of great value.

It was wonderful to chat to Jules Horne, an author based in Scotland who has worked across multiple writing formats. From spending time as a BBC journalist to writing books on how to set up a freelance copywriting business, Jules has a lot of knowledge to share.

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How To Launch A Freelance Copywriting Business Review: A Must-Read Book For Freelance Creatives

The life of a freelance writer can be an emotional rollercoaster. You’re running a business, you’re juggling responsibilities, you’re trying to lock in new clients, you’re shedding old clients, you’re learning on the job, you’re taking a step back, you’re trying your best to make it work.

As a freelance copywriter myself, stepping on and off this rollercoaster is made a little easier by turning to Stoicism and books like How To Launch A Freelance Copywriting Business: Creative Writing For A Living by Jules Horne. 

A must-read book for freelance creatives, Horne shares her own experiences of setting off into the writing wilderness and creating a business that’s sustainable and satisfies the soul.

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Stoic Athenaeum Offers Philosophy-Backed Content Marketing

Copywriting is an industry that has many angles and viewpoints. It’s an industry I’ve been a part of for years and it’s rewarding, emotional, satisfying, stressful, crazy and thrilling all at once. The craziness gets dialled up even more when you’re a freelance copywriter and so it’s helpful to have a system in place that helps calm the mind, pushes me out of my comfort zone and keeps me going forward.

That’s where Stoicism comes in. Putting the philosophy into practice has provided a foundation for approaching content marketing with fresh eyes and that inspired the creation of Stoic Athenaeum.

A journal that combines content marketing, philosophy and popular culture together, I provide a range of copywriting services through the publication. Read on to discover what they are.

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